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Environmental Surveys

The purpose of groundwater sampling is to provide current data on groundwater quality within a specific site. The objective of well surveying is to obtain updated data on the direction and gradient of groundwater flow. Each ground water monitoring well, piezometer, soil boring location, etc. is required to be surveyed by a Professional Land Surveyor Licensed in the State of the particular project. The data is uploaded to the California Water Board GIS data system known as GeoTracker.

GeoTracker is the Water Board’s data management system for sites that impact, or have the potential to impact, water quality in California, with emphasis on groundwater. GeoTracker contains records for sites that require cleanup, such as Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Sites, Department of Defense Sites, and Cleanup Program Sites. GeoTracker also contains records for various unregulated projects as well as permitted facilities including: Irrigated Lands, Oil and Gas production, operating Permitted USTs, and Land Disposal Sites.

The data that is typically delivered are the x, y and z values in the form of GeoTracker approved data set files, all within the requirements of the State Water

Quality Control Board, GeoTracker guidelines. The wells and borings are surveyed for horizontal and vertical location. Vertical elevations for the wells are to be surveyed at three points: (1) the top of the monitoring well vault; (2) the top of the well casing or surrounding port; and (3) the ground surface. Vertical elevations for the borings are to be surveyed at the ground surface. Elevations surveyed are to the nearest hundredth of a foot referenced to NAVD 88 datum. The horizontal locations of each location are the center points and are surveyed to the nearest tenth of a foot referenced to NAD 83 datum. A site plan showing certain site features including the monitoring wells, soil borings, etc. is also generated and included as part of the final report.

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